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Roppongi 1st Bldg

  • 六本木ファーストビル
  • 六本木ファーストビル
  • 六本木ファーストビル
  • 六本木ファーストビル
  • 六本木ファーストビル
  • 六本木ファーストビル

The building has complex facilities to utilize effectively the former site of housing for government workers, and to revamp urban functions. The complex facilities, including offices, an apartment, an exhibition hall, and stores, were provided while improving disaster prevention, and securing open spaces. The plan focused on achieving harmony and coexistence of urban functions.

Location Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Site Area


Floor Area 69,752m2
Building Type

Office / Shop / Apartment Complex / Exhibition Hall

Structure SRC・S
Story B4/20F



Certified citeComprehensive design system