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Ark Hills South Tower

  • アークヒルズサウスタワー
  • アークヒルズサウスタワー
  • アークヒルズサウスタワー
  • アークヒルズサウスタワー
  • アークヒルズサウスタワー
  • アークヒルズサウスタワー

The project of a station direct connection office building placed as a new south doorway of ARK HILLS of the completion in 1986. Office is built with BCP in line with the times and performed the neighboring maintenance positively and formed the rich walker network which developed a station to the outskirts area in the starting point in the step. The decoration designed it with the goal of raising the charm more in harmony with ARK HILLS area. The East-West aspects assume it a louver shape being aware of arc Mori Building long, and the north and south side adopts the gate type shape which expressed a local doorway.

Location Ark Hills South Tower
Site Area 5,846m2
Floor Area 55,267m2
Building Type

Office, Retails

Structure CFT・S
Story B4/20F
Completion 2013